Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Polaski - Life After Death (Beta Chill Remix)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sorry guys =/.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Kahvi-Set: Walk With Me mixed by Dj Polaski

01. Stuart Elliott - Beneath The Surface
02. Stuart Elliott - The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean
03. Kuppi - Drunk (Polaski vs. Projekti3 half-way remix)
04. Projekti3 - Ohi
05. Mikael Fyrek - Submarine Light
06. Sektor - Eastmind
07. Introspective - Mail Order Monsters
08. Vizion - Vanishing Point
09. Nova Viator - Gorey Empire Defence
10. Acrillic Colors - Ununquadium Rarefaction
11. Mosaik - Winternumb
12. Abandonment - Sissot's Eclipse
13. Acrillic Colors -The Thing From Another World
14. Alexey V - 3rd Dream
15. Krypton - Croon (unreleased)
Download Mix
Enjoy :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
November Mix Itinerary
I'm expanding my genre base to include drum & bass. Stay tuned for an amazing mix feeling some liquid melodic D&B. I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it.
Also, a new kahvi mix will be released at the beginning of november. This mix was a complement to "Cup of Kahvi" mix set because they were created at the same time. For those who enjoy the kahvi-sets, you'll definitely won't want to miss this.
Also this december, I'm trying to get some strength to finish a tranceaction mix and a sub-lime chill-tech-trance mix, but I'm running out of good tracks.
I am for sure there will be 4 more mixes by the end of this year. Stay tuned.
Kahvi-Set: Beginning of November
D&B Mix: Mid-to-End November
TranceAction Mix: December
Tech-Trance Mix: December
Kahvi Mix: Christmas (..Maybe..)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Catch Vibrations 8 on DI.FM Progressive Channel
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Dj Polaski - Vibrations Vol. 8 (2 year anniversary)
Lets get to the good stuff, stated previously, I really tried to take remnants from Tiesto's ISOS7 cd and try to incorporate that style into my mix. While I feel I failed in that area, I've also gained...The mix itself is wonderful. It's not the high-energy trance all those new hip kids are listening to, its very progressive, and very groove. I like the fact that most of its sounds are not overly-pitched and whining, but just right to the touch...or sense...or whatever. The more I listen to it, the more I feel it sounds like one of AvB's ISOT cd's, but I'm trying not to draw comparisons. I took a different turn in mixing this time as I went for a more beat-smooth transition rather than melody. You'll notice it because most of the tracks do not end on the same key, which I think keeps the mix entertaining and doesn't feel like its dragging on. A lot of the tracks themselves are low-key artists in a sense that they really aren't super popular but yet pump out really good tracks. I love going for these tracks as they excrete a certain kind of originality in sound that alot of uber-popular trance artists tend NOT to follow.
Anyways, this mix marks the second year of my mixing hobby as I remember starting in August of 2006 with Tranceaction 1, hosting my mixes off of Dj Doboy's website, then eventually moving on to Vibrations 1 on DI.FM (which really got me started), and eventually into the Kahvi mixes. Wanted to thank those who supported me finacially, emotionally, and kept me busy making mixes.

Here's the Tracklist
01. Arney S. - Sunday Morning Walk
02. Escadia - Artmospheric
03. Signalrunners feat. Julie Thompson - These Shoulders (Club Mix)
04. Thomas Schwartz - Twilight On Mars
05. Shootie feat. Laura - Closing Time
06. Chris Lake feat. Nastala - Start Again
07. Mr. Pit - Shana
08. Filterheadz - Day At The Beach
09. Dinka - Chemistry (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix)
10. Dj Tatana - Spring Breeze (Martin Roth Summer Style Remix)
11. Arnej - 7 Days
12. Venaccio - Forever Today
13. KOS - Azteca
Real quick:
I noticed something while releasing my mix on a few other forums sites. I'm kind of concerned about some of these djs who throw out 5-10 mixes a month in hope that quantity over quality will prevail. I know this isn't true because I take a quick peek at these mixes and its a jumble of half-hashed train wrecks and mix-matched tracks that provide no flow. Now, I'm not going to name names, however, I can focus on myself. While I have the means to throw out 2-3 mixes a month (at the expense of the clothes off my back) I feel that quality prevails over quantity, which is why I try to bring you mixes that are superb from the get go; one's that you can play over and over again and cherish. Bottom line is, I'm dedicated to mixing QUALITY mixes each and everytime, and how often I bring them to you is a burden on my mind, but not a qualification as a DJ. So what do I define as quality? Well, I can't answer that, you're the listener, I'll let you make up your own mind.
Stephen Tomko (Dj Polaski)
Friday, September 12, 2008
o.O??? Vibrations Vol. 8 this weekend....whaha!?!
Anyways, Vibrations Vol. 8 will be released this weekend. I'll save the details for the mix release, but you'll want to stay on top of the blog posts to make sure you get it.
The theme consists of all 3 trance genres, Trance, Prog-Trance, Vocal Trance. However the main theme is prog, I was primarily inspired by Tiesto's ISOS7 cd, but felt compelled to add my own juice to the smoothie. The tracks are soft, juicy, bouncy, growing, and harmonious. The ending is most impressive to me as a dj.
Stay tuned
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Upcoming mixes
First and foremost, you can expect 5-6 new mixes over these next few months. The mixes range from trance to chill trance to kahvi mixes and breakbeat. Currently, I'm in the progress of finishing two trance mixes (chill/regular) that will be out soon.
Second, I'd like some input as to what genre's you guys like to hear. I know I have various crowds (Kahvi vs. Trance) but it would be nice to know what you think.
Lastly, I wanted to thank some of you who donated money to help the cause. I wanted to reassure you that all of your dollars go directly into purchasing new tracks and making new mixes. It's not easy being a college student and being broke 105% of the time. While I make it effort to release mixes regardless of donations, receiving them helps me put more out for you guys. So once again, thank you.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Dj Polaski - Cup of Khavi (Kahvi Summer Mix)
The first three tracks really start the mix off strong with various sounds loops and amazing melodies. Slem starts us off accompanied by Brioskj and Scann Tec's wicked guitar lick. Then the mix drops and goes a little lighter with Nags and DMB's ghostmachine (a favorite of mine). As if DMB's track wasnt any lighter the mix takes a turn picks up speed with tracks from Dalekk, Tai, and URL. But before it gets too fast, Randomajestiq puts on the breaks slows us down with some awesome grooves and from there it starts to plateau off into a nice grooving set of drum loops, ethereal bouncing sounds. In the end, I do a little 7-8 minute mix recap feature the highlights of some of the songs in the mix; all mixed to Madstyle's loop on track.
You guy will definitely want to experience this rollercoaster.
01. Slem - Take Two Test
02. Brioskj - Clouds
03. Scann Tec - Evacuator
04. Nagz - Hringur B Quiet Year
05. DMB - Ghostmachine (Liquid Stranger Laxative Remix)
06. Dalekk - Ohmu
07. Taipuvaloutisuora - Sopimaon Jalkine
08. Url - Bjeon
09. Randomajestiq feat. Kirill Trepakov - Wrong Window
10. Atmogat - Raid II
11. Stud - Confident Gait
12. Noise Relations - Spectral
13. Esem - Microessen
14. Audio Cephlon - Callistemon
15. Madstyle - Loop On
16. Polaski's quick-mix recap
Download Here (Polaski's Server)
Mirror Download (micksam7.com)
Mirror Download 2 (scene.org)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Tranceaction Vol. 9 (Unreleased!)
I made a little catch for you guys to encourage you "facebook-ers" to join my fan page. This tranceaction series mix will ONLY BE RELEASED ON MY FACEBOOK FAN PAGE. I know some of you might get mad at a stunt like that, but I hope it might get some of you to join. If you don't use facebook, drop me an e-mail, djpolaski@gmail.com OR send me an AOL message at, rep reh zent. IF you don't know how to be a fan on facebook, look at the previous blog post, it will show you how. I posted the mix in a forums post, you'll see it when you get there :)
Here's the tracklist:
01. Jose Amnesia - Follow Me (Danito Erocle Remix)
02. Terrafusion - Ultima (5th Dynasty Remix)
03. Fast Distance - Heavens Melody (Michael Angelo & Jim Remix)
04. Cartel - Buenos Aires
05. Majesta - Not The End (Michael Angelo & Jim Remix)
06. In Progress & Omnia - Air Flower
07. Ron Malakai - Memorable Touch (Carl B Remix)
08. Paul Miller - Fruit, Vegetables and Miller
09. Andrelli & Blue feat. Hila Imagine (Mike Nichol Remix)
10. Activa - Remember (Club Mix)
11. Technikal feat. Stace - Northern Lights (Solarscape Remix)
12. Andy Moor vs. Orkidea - Year Zero (Andy Moor's First Light Mix) // Yes I know its old, but the track fit so well, and its one of my favorites, that I couldn't avoid using it
13. Lemon & Elnar K - Anticipation
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Become a fan on facebook
The whole point of the fan page is to facilitate a medium in which I can electronically communicate with you. In other words (lol), it allows me to get to know who you are (and stalk you...no no only joking). I like to be able to talk with people who enjoy the same kind of music as I do, it makes it very interesting. It also allows me to gear my mixes for you guys by understanding your interests in electronic music.
So, don't be shy and add Dj Polaski as a friend. I look forward to talking to some of you!
Thanks for the e-mails/messages.
Speaking of mixes, I'll be placing a new trance mix for download that has some creamy transitions and tracks. The tracks were spankin' new upon recording, but I held back and decided I wouldn't ever release it. Since the recent messages, I changed my mind...
p.s. If you loved the Tranceaction series, wait for vol. 9
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Dj Polaski is on break.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
BreakBox Vol. 1

So, I finally wanted to try a new mix in a genre I havent done before. Looking through the large repository of electronic genres (and there are alot) I noticed one specific genre that I always enjoyed listening to when I needed an energy rush: Breakbeat. Breakbeat has its own special unique rhythm. The mixmash of beats, hi-hats, drum loops, and bass sequences offer a difference sound than Trance. After searching for the sounds I wanted, I finally concluded 12 tracks into a seamless mix for your enjoyable pleasure.
BreakBox delivers on so many levels. Whether you're a trance listener, a prog listener, or a clubber, I've got this mix appealing to everyone. The first portion of this mix is essential club/electro breakbeat stuff. Great loops, great bass, and some great vocals that can get any floor hopping. Towards the end of the mix, you'll start to hear a more trance/progressive mood as I take it down a notch and let your mind take a break. You'll definitely want to pick up this mix, its worth a listen.
01. Stanton Warrios - Seeker (What What What Remix)
02. Audiophreakz - A Little Closer (DNF Mix)
03. Rektchirdz feat. Kay T - Left Behind (Beta Remix)
04. Aquasky feat. Kool Keith - Movin' The Hype Track (Nick Thayer Remix)
05. Ed Solo - When I Was a Yout (Kraft Kuts Remix)
06. Quest feat. Odessi - Break Me07.
07. Slyde - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
08. Santa Fe - Bunka (The Peepshow Ownerz Remix)
09. Shimon - Around The Edge
10. Oxide - It Lasts Eternally (Aephoria Eternal Mix)
11. Ozgur Can - Escape (Original Breaks Version)
12. Blu Mar Ten - Anytime Soon
Time: 60:00
Download Mix
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Dj Polaski - Parallax (Kahviset #002 revisit)
01.Zilent Zpott - Lost & Desperatrion
02.Kairaus - Flak Kathedral
03.Keed pr1 - Space
04.Affective Disorder - Le pont vers lespace
05.Alexey V - Pirate
06.Acrillic Colors - The Garden
07.Mosaik - Noa Lake (Polaski's Garden 1/2 remix)
08.Randomajestiq - Magic Carpet (super slithery slow edit)
09.Cardamar - Start (Instrumental Mix)
10.Zilent Zpott - Ondas Silenciosas (with Audioplacid) (slow edit)
11.Sektor - Sleepy
12.Esem - A Sound of Halo
13.Brioskj - Mysterious Wood
14.Brioskj - Dawn of a Wonderful Day
15.URL - He's A Collector
16.Aaron Jasinski - Addictive Additive
Download Mix
Kahvi Sound Sessions 007
As always, you can head over to the kahvi site and download all these tracks at http://www.kahvi.org.
Or you can visit my website where you can have direct downloads to all the podcaasts as well as comment on my work; telling me how horrible of a dj/mixer I am (thanks Anna).
- Stuart Elliott - A New Dawn
- Zilent Zpott - Harrison City
- Walka - Syy Napsuu 2
- Acrilic Colors - Skycraperscape
- Workbench - Zoo (Dusk)
- Dream Lab - Cryogenic Suspension II
- Bioradio - Postmorten Winners
- The Integer Ring feat. Mikael Andersson - Integer04-5
- Projekti 3 - Purppura
- MBF - In the Land of the Sun
Thursday, May 8, 2008
my AIM: rep reh zent
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Kahvi Sound Sessions 007 on hold til next friday
p.s. I promise you...this will be the best Sound Sessions you will hear yet...
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Kahvi Sound Sessions 006 Special Mix Edition
01. Alkor - The Background
02. Alessandro Pintus - Snowonwindow
03. Brioskj - Pyramids
04. Sbindon - Space Pazta
05. Alexey V - Invisible
06. Audio Cephlon - Cosmic Turquiose
07. Sektor - Atai
08. Randomagestiq - Net.surfing
09. Randomagestiq - Danu
10. Esem - B~ckbook
11. Masse Memoire - Kalimba Beats
12. Jasinski - Bleeding Oscillator
13. Keith - Seek No. 303
14. Keith - Accredited Heard
15. Jasinski - Single File Lines
Download mix
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Me vs. deadmau5
Well here comes the juicy part. I was pissed when I heard this. I never liked deadmau5 (except his Jaded track). He's a punk/retart child who messes around on ableton live until he finds a good sound and then repeats it for the next 1000 tracks he produces. Anyways I left him a message on myspace [NOTE** I wrote this before I talked to him -- keep reading **]:
Hey deadmau5,
Wanted to pitch an e-mail out to you to let you know that practically every track you ever made is a total rehash of the other. Granted, you've probably heard this a million times, I just thought I'd be a million and one. Seriously man, you can stack all your tracks at one time, and they would sound the same! Your beat loops...same. Synths...same. Dj talent...none. Bottom line is you suck. I mean literally, your stuff is horrible. Plus, are you so insecure with yourself that you have to go hide in a mouse suit on stage? The gag isn't even funny any more, it was old the first time around. Not to mention that bullshit you played on Marcus, who the hell do you think you are? Your mixing is train wrecks anyways. I will never, EVER, EVER...play any of your tracks again. Nor would I recommend them to anyone.
Take it easy pal.
Well, after this, he attempted to try and make fun of me by mass sending this message to everyone on the deadmau5 mailing list. Which was what I hoped for. Then I PMed him back, and asked for a private one on one conversation. We talked for about an hour or so, and I regretted some of the things I said. His argument was that he was in the business entertainment industry and that the demands on him to make music is enormous. I don't doubt that at all. All he wants to do is just make music and get it out there. But there's nasty competition. If deadmau5 wants to make music he likes, thats cool. I understand that now, even from a beginning artist perspective. But there is one thing I pointed out. Once you make it big like that, the ideas you create, the songs you make, the tracks you publish dont become yours anymore. They are a public thing.
There is an old business ideology developed by Kenneth Galbraith. He says that wants are created by those that manufacturer them. For example, deadmau5 creates a track, people LOVE it, and he keeps producing good tracks. Once he produces a "less desirable" track, people get mad at him for not living up to his standard (same thing with dj tiesto and In Search of Sunrise 5). Deadmau5 makes the defense that he can create what ever he desires. He likes making the music that I (and others) consider monotonous. Thats fine, I concede to that point. But you can't make it a defense, simultaneously, that you're in the business entertainment industry, and you're just pumping out tracks to cover demand. You can't mount one up on the other Granted I'm not speaking from experience, but I've seen and read examples like this. If its true that deadmau5 is putting up tracks just to meet demand and pressure and as a result he uses rehashed sounds and beat loops, then I pity him. I feel bad that he's in a position where he has to do that. If he creates the music because he loves to make that "sound" that we all consider monotonous then thats great, he found his own piece of mind in doing that -- it makes him happy. But deadmau5, you can't have both. They are contradictory.
Now I feel bad for the message I sent, it was a little out of line, but I still feel angry at him. I think there is a lesson on both sides of the line. deadmau5 needs to understand he has fans. I think when you get that big you have an obligation to them. I believe that whole heartedly, so I am going to say it again for clarity. When you get as big as deadmau5, you have an obligation to your fans. I don't think he was living up to that obligation. Rehashed songs are not worth it. His claim that he is in the business entertainment industry doesn't help him either. It shows that he isn't here for music...just show...just making a profit. I don't have a problem with artists making a profit off their work, but when profit is the driving force I think there is a conflict of interest. Much of the deadmau5 haters feel that he's just pushing out tracks to make a quick buck; I can sure see that viewpoint. But like I said, if thats all deadmau5 wants to make, then power to him, I don't have a problem with that.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Kahvi Sound Sessions 005
Download podcast
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Kahvi Sound Sessions 004
Brioskj - Daydreams
Kolibries - Amgaza
Sektor - Beyond
Aaron Jasinski - Right On
Sound on Canvas - Introvert
Scann Tec - Real Pleasure (Polaski's castrated cut)
Workbench - Lounge (Polaski vs. Jugi sexy sodassa swing)
Jugi - Sodassa
Audio Cephlon - Wrapped in Nori
Mikael Fyrek - St. Mare Abelle
Sektor - Lightning Silence
Download Podcast
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Vibrations Vol. 7 scheduled to be played on DI.FM (Digitally Imported)
You can view the event here: http://www.di.fm/calendar/event.php?event=8563
For those concerned about last week's missing podcast, fret not, school university is upgrading to a 1GB connection to the internet (which is about as close to the internet as you can be here at Illinois State University). None the less, I have one for this week, and it will be a continuance of the normal podcasts. With that, I will officially release Midnight Arboretum at 320kbps and its tracklisting. I'm also hoping Nik @ kahvi will get off his lazy ass and release it (only joking Nik).
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Dj Polaski - Midnight Aboretum (part 2)
Download podcast
Vibrations Vol. link fixed
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Dj Polaski - Midnight Aboretum (part 1)
Remember, all the tracks you hear can be downloaded full length @ http://kahvi.org.
I'll provide a tracklist later!
Download podcast
Monday, March 17, 2008
Kahvi Sound Sessions podcast 003
Jan Morgenstern - Turkey Life
Scann-Tec - Mne Kazhetsya
Planet Boelex - Leaving Quiety
Dreamers Universe - Polaroid in Motion
Bit24 - Quantum (Polaski's outtro mashup)
Sounds of Beta vs. Embrion - Dream of Free Kittens (Polaski's Mind-Meow Mashup)
Download Podcast
Monday, March 10, 2008
Donation Request
Paypal is completing confidential, when you make a donation, no matter where you are, I don't see any of the credit card or money order information, just a name and an e-mail. You don't even need a paypal account. You can location the "pay without an account using a credit card" to the bottem left. Plus if you make a donation, I'll let you into a little area where you can download unreleased kahvi mixes at any desirable codec including .WAV and .FLAC(I have 5 of them!)
My ultimate goal is $160. The purpose of the $160 is to buy a new computer sound system which boasts some great sound quality with a bunch of sound input and outputs including midi, optical, digital, RCA and a host of others. This will help me to develop new kinds of mixing techniques as wel as opening up a studio for a free friends of mine to officially make releases.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
General Fuzz and Dj Polaski collaborate to make: Fusion

So if you've been keeping up lately on my recent release you'll know that I've been working with General Fuzz to make a collaborative continuous mix. Well it's finally up and ready to go! I'm proud to release Fusion. You'll enjoy this Electronic Jazz pieces with nice flowing grooves.
I'll upload the tracklist later:
Download Mix
You can go to general fuzz's site and download all the tracks individually @ generalfuzz.com
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Kahvi Sound Sessions podcast 002
In this week's podcast we have badloop up three times in a little mix mashup that I put together in his honor for being the prime influence in turning me into a kahvi fanatic back in 2002 with "Your Blue Eyes" (you'll be able to hear it today).
This week will also feature a 3 track mix featuring one of Scann-tec's newer tracks, a golden oldie from xhale, and a glorious smooth downtempo/jazz piece from pece, an artist I've grown to love the past few months. Stay tune for next week, I'll be dishing out some more!
As always, you can download all of these tracks in their full length and quality @ www.kahvi.org. You can also comment on this podcast by going to http://djpolaski.blogspot.com. Enjoy.
Here's the tracklisting:
Badloop - Lumme
Badloop - Ystaevae
Badloop - Your Blue Eyes
Scann Tec - Konstanta
Xhale - Oslo By Night
Pece - Stormy Night
Monday, March 3, 2008
Vibrations Vol. 7
Here's the track listing:
01. Thomas SChwartz - Jupiter Calling
02. Danny Darko - Save the Whales
03. Sultan - Itajai Vibes (Wize Remix)
04. JayTech - Pepe's Garden
05. Darone - The Time Has Come
06. Slytek - Nettle Crush
07. Dinka - Tmptation
08. Progressa - Tears Behind Sunglasses
09. Lange - Songess (Cerf & Mitiska Tranceless Remix)
10. Adam K - Long Distance
11. Marco Demark - Tiny Dancer (Deadmau5 Vocal Mix)
Total time: 60 minutes
Download Mix
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Kahvi Sound Sessions podcast 001
Official thread:
Welcome to the first episode of Kahvi's newest podcast: Sound Sessions. The podcast will feature various artists from the kahvi label as well as some mixing done by yours truley, Dj Polaski. The featured artists are: Berestez, Url, Kolibries, Noise Relations, Alessandro Pintus, Introspective, and Slem. You can obtain all these tracks in their entirety for free at http://www.kahvi.org
Also, you can find the podcast through itunes, type in Kahvi under the search bar and you'll be good to go!
Individual Tracks:
Berestez - Shoda Twist
Url - The Time
Short-mix by Dj Polaski:
Kolbries - Radio
Noise Relations - Sunspot
Alessandro Pintus - AB3
Introspective - Crossing Borders
Slem - Oygar
Length: 33 minutes
View Podcast here
Download podcast
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Tranceaction Vol. 8
01. Tillmann Uhrmacher - The Pride in Your Eyes (Martin Roth Remix)
02. Will Holland vs. Six Senses - Frantic
03. LCM - Forgotten (Acues & Elitist Remix)
04. C-Quence pres. Assure - Enemy Territory
05. Ronald Van Gelderen - Brightness
06. Activa - Airflow
07. Jaron Inc - Nothing to Loose (Airbase Remix)
08. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Through Your Eyes (Thomas Brozwear Mix)
09. Dave 202 - Generate The Wave
10. Steve Birch - Balearic Bay (Club Mix)
Download here
Post your comments and enjoy!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
3 Mixes coming out soon...
1) A special new mix/album using tracks from one of my favorite IDM artists: General Fuzz
2) Brand Spankin' new Vibrations Vol. 7 Mix which will be released after it hits DI.FM radio
3) An old, unreleased LIVE mix, Tranceaction Vol. 8.
The first mix, between me and General Fuzz, has been a month long collaboration in developing a mix album featuring all general fuzz albums. If you liked the Searching for Planets kahvi mix, then you'll like this one.
The second mix, Vibrations volume 7, is a brand spankin' new trance mix I've conjured up over this last week. The mix features all new Trance tracks and remixes released just within the last week or so (two tracks released within the last two months). The mix has been sent into DI.FM and should be seeing another post shortly about the time/date it will be airing on the Trance channel.
The third and final mix is Tranceaction Vol. 8. For those who don't know the Tranceaction series, they were my first series when I just started mixing. Vol. 8 features live mixing via turntables and actually was unreleased because I was too busy to release it! It features some unheard tracks that were released about a year ago that still haven't hit mainstream yet, but are still Trance to the core.
While I haven't released any of the mixes yet, keep reading, each mix will be released at different times and will have its own individual post, so keep an eye out and RSS this blog.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
News mixes, with some bad news later
I also have some bad news (involves exploding equipment and loss of data). I'll inform you guys on my next post.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Any how, I got a fishing e-mail that I though I'd share with you:
I have been waiting for you since to contact
me for your Confirmable Bank Draft of
$800.000.00 United States Dollars, but I did not
hear from you since that time.Then I went and
deposited the Draft with FEDEX COURIER
SERVICE, West Africa, I travelled outof the
country for a 3 Months Course and I will not
come back till end of march. What you have to
do now is to contact the FEDEX COURIER
SERVICE as soon as possible to know when they
will deliver your package to you because of the
expiring date. For your in formation,
I have paid for the delivering Charge,
premium and Clearance Certificate Fee of the
Cheque showing that it isnot a Drug Money or
meant to sponsor Terrorist attack in your
Country. The only money you will send to the
FEDEX COURIER SERVICE to deliver your Draft
direct to your postal Address in your country is
($165.00US) Dollars only being Security Keeping
Fee ofthe Courier Company so far. Again, don't
bedeceived by anybody to pay any other
money except $165.00US Dollars.
I would have paid that but they said no
because they don't know when you will contact
themand in case of demurrage.You have to
contactthe FEDEX COURIER SERVICE now for the
deliveryof your Draft with this information
Contact Person: Mr. Daniel J. Blunt
Email Address: fedexcourierdept01@yahoo.com
Finally, make sure that you reconfirm yourPostal
address() and Direct telephone number to them
again to avoid any mistake on theDelivery and
ask them to give you the trackingnumber to
enable you track your package overthere and
know when it will get to your address.
Let me repeat again, try to contact them assoon
as you receive this mail to avoid any further
delay and remember to pay them their Security
Keeping fee of $165.00 US Dollars for their
immediate action. You should also let me know
through email assoon as you receive your Draft.
Yours Faithfully,
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
21st Birthday
Since this blog is about djing and music I thought I might say something about it. To start, me and an artist (the artist I've been ranting about for the last month) are getting together and are working on something together. Can't get into too much information.
I also watched The Good the Bad and The Ugly friday night and I was enthused by the level of musical composition that the motion picture. The composer Ennio Morricone developed the most beautiful music in a movie I've heard in a VERY, VERY long time. The man is a genious. His works are way ahead of its time. I compared the music to other 60 movies, and it's just not the same. It's emotional, independent sounding using various sounds and weird instruments. I even took it upon myself to go into Reason and try to replicate one of his works, and it doesn't sound that bad. No I wont share with you, I wouldn't embarass myself like that, but it would be cool if someone like Boelex or Fuzz tried a downtempo/contemporary remix of these tracks.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Added new link and old mixes
In addition, I'm introducing a mix I did a while back called Telecommunicate Vol. 2. It's a 70 minute set with over 25 tracks. I wanted to do an Armin Van Buuren Yearmix thing, but that takes alot of talent, and it isn't easy to do. I usually have some left over tracks/vinyls/mp3s that I don't use in my mixes (usually remixes of songs that I have used) and I make a super huge mix with tracks lasting only 1-3 minutes. It was fun to do, you'll enjoy listening to it.
Track listing:
01. Filo & Peri vs. Serge Devant - Something Special
02. Damaxx - Predator
03. MIDOR - Crusifix
04. Downkill - Distorted Reality
05. Super8 & Tab - Suru (Martin Roth Nu-Style Remix)
06. Lange - Angel Falls (Lange's Firewall Mix)
07. ATB with Heather Nova - Renegade (Ronski Speed Remix)
08. Flash Brothers ft. Tiff Lacey - Stay
09. David West - Welsh Morphology
10. Michael Burian - Secret Sins (Criss Source Remix)
11. Lange - Red October (Lange's Firewall Remix)
12. Maarten Hercules - Body Fusion (Little Vantage Touch)
13. Miikka Leinonen - Shadow Hearts (Topher Jones Remix)
14. Michael Cassette - David [Polaski's downsized edit]
15. Axass - Waiting For You (eryc & Axass Clear Out Intro Mix)
16. Backslash - El Nino (Mikael Sjoberg Remix)
17. Joe T. Vannelli - Prelude (Dream Beat) (Scalambrin Sicily Pleasure Remix)
18. David West ft. Inkfish - Searching For Substance (Boom Jinx Remix)
19. Filo and Peri vs. Serge Devant - Something Special (Emjae and Jerome Robbins Mix)
20. ATB - Feel Alive (Sunloverz Club Mix)
21. Nenes and Pascal Feliz - Platinum
22. Dj Trenix pres. Adamuna - English Rose
23. Cara Dillion vs. 2Devine - Black Is The Colour (Above & Beyond Devine Intervention Remix)
24. Syna - Do You Feel (Syna's Lost in Love Mix)
25. Filo and Peri ft. Vanessa Valentin - Inside of Me (Marco V Dub)
Download Mix
Saturday, January 12, 2008
New Mix Completed: Lightmare
I was delighted to know how popular Parallax (kahvi mix #003) has become. When I produced it (nearly 9 months ago) it sat on the side waiting for kahvi to release. Nik, who owns Kahvi, was really impressed with the work. To my surprise, he gave the mix to an online netaudio site called inq-mag which started its own netaudio/podcast release titled "monographic". Monographic captures different releases over the all the popular netlabels (kahvi, monotonik, etc) and puts them on a podcast which generates alot of attention (I MEAN ALOT). Parallax was monographic #001 (thats right, I was the first release on monographic!) To some degree, it generated alot of responses. In fact netdecks was even kind enough to give it a great review (netdecks reviews netlabel releases). Here is what Tobias Fischer from Netdecks had to say about Parallax:
"Next to producing distinct and adventurous techno music, Mikel Mendia is also the man behind the INQ Mag, an online publication dedicated to the netaudio world. As of now, it not only serves as an information source on the latest releases and news from the scene, but also acts as a place for concentrated listening. Mendia has joined forces with the Kahvi Collective and asked DJ Polaski to remix a selection of the Collective’s tunes into a coherent, smoothly flowing mix entitled “monographic #1”. Polaski has certainly spent the time necessary to browse the vast Kahvi archive (which totals a staggering 800 track) well. His mix begins infinitely relaxed and anthemic, with lots of intricate hiphop beats, snippeted loops, sacral chords and ambient spaces, then enters an industrial wasteland filled with growling basses and solitary piano splinters, before returning to more consiliatory sounds again. The emotional span of “monographic” is remarkable, even including the ecstatic howls of electric guitars and the hushed discreetness of field recordings. A project to be savoured, which will hopefully see a follow-up soon – preferably one which includes new material by Mr. Mendia himself."
It was a pleasure to read this, and inq-mag made a big showing of this exact review too! You can view the site here: http://www.inq-mag.com/2007/11/04/monographic-001-kahvi-collective/
Also, if you want to subscribe to the podcast you can do that at http://www.inq-mag.com